Sunday, July 1, 2007

First Blog Ever

I'm a mom, a wife and a Pre-K teacher, preferably in that order, but at times the priorities get rearranged. I love my job, but it is pretty exhausting, so the summers and other holidays DO serve a vital purpose in my life. I wish I had had all this time off when I had really great flight benefits and I would have seen the world by now. Travel is a major passion, but is significantly limited as a married mother of 2 with a finite amount of $$.... Of course, we still do family roadtrips and they are fun, just not quite the same as stepping out onto another continent and exploring something totally foreign-I LOVE that feeling, stepping into the unknown. So, this blog in one way to satisfy that feeling, albeit in a very virtual way.. but hey, we take what we can get, ya know? On that note, fellow bloggers and even just passive readers, be gentle with me. I am but a tender new leaf on the blogging tree. Humor me and leave some funny comments from time to time. I'm just a Mom looking for an outlet and a voice.


Suzie said...

Hey Mayor,
Congratulations and welcome to the land of the self-obsessed bloggers. Are you wasting away again? Where did that freaky picture of the drunken clown come from. I'm terrified. Where is your title and I feel for you living in the butthole of Republican country. That's just another reason why you should move to Chico. You still have the conservatives, but they aren't so damn Republican.

Cin Wolf said...

What's the first most Republican county???

Mayor of Bloggaritaville said...

Orange County, CA is the #1 most republican county !! EEEK! One kinda good thing about being a minority though is that we stick together and attend the same protests and functions.. Isn't that THE creepiest clown ever?!! And the even scarier part is that there was a huge shelf full of all type adn manner of chester molester type dolls!! I too that pick in Grove, OK! HA HA!! At the Har-Ber village. weird, huh?

I don't know what happened to the title....??? suggestions?

Suzie said...

I mean I thought the title is Bloggaritaville, but it is not displayed at the top of your blog. Did you not want it like that?

Suzie said...

Oh yeah, and what's the Har-Ber village? Nice, creepy photography.

Mayor of Bloggaritaville said...

I am still have the same weird problem posting on your blog.... ACK! that is annoying!

Suzie said...

Cindy has been having a problem posting on my blog too. It's a damn shame that my only loyal commenters are having a hard time commenting. I'm starting to feel unloved again!

buffy said...

chiquita!! hello!! i hope you are having a fantastic summer.. things are finally coming together for my ma and i feel like i can breathe again.... i've started my own blog too!!! so come see me... let's get together!