Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I have a blog to pick with you....

Well..... I know, I know, I am a LAME blogger..... Okay, I can accept that. My one and only post is probably frustrating to others and I'm sure I lost the tiny audience that I had.... But still, I feel cheated on. My good, good friend, who shall remain nameless, created a blog and blogged well and quite frequently for nearly a MONTH before informing me of her very humorous and well laid out blog!!! The NERVE of some people! First of all, she is far more entertaining than I can ever hope to be and secondly, her blog just looks so damn pretty! Mine is so plain and boring... I just don't have patience or time to sit her and jack around with it and surf for fun pics and such to place upon it.... Besides my carpal tunnel starts acting up when I spend more than an hour on this machine...

okay, fine, so it really boils down to being jealous of her wit as well as coveting the free time that she has to enjoy such self fulling and somewhat hedonistic pleasures! such is life, huh? i swear, I have no clue what I did with all my time pre-kids. I must have had so much of it. I'm sure at some point I must have gotten bored.... I would LOVE to have 5 minutes to be bored, I mean, TRULY bored. not the kind of bored I get now like bored of cooking or bored of grocery shopping or cleaning... There is always some shit to do, which is usually very far removed from a selfish pleasure. Do you know I cannot remember the last time I saw a movie at the theater that wasn't a cartoon?! Oh well.. I digress... My friend abandoned me and left em all alone in Bloggaritaville..... sniff, don't you feel sorry for me?!

But seriously folks, I LOVE my friend and I am happy she has a blog and it is a fun read! Wow, I finally returned to my blog, only to bitch.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

First Blog Ever

I'm a mom, a wife and a Pre-K teacher, preferably in that order, but at times the priorities get rearranged. I love my job, but it is pretty exhausting, so the summers and other holidays DO serve a vital purpose in my life. I wish I had had all this time off when I had really great flight benefits and I would have seen the world by now. Travel is a major passion, but is significantly limited as a married mother of 2 with a finite amount of $$.... Of course, we still do family roadtrips and they are fun, just not quite the same as stepping out onto another continent and exploring something totally foreign-I LOVE that feeling, stepping into the unknown. So, this blog in one way to satisfy that feeling, albeit in a very virtual way.. but hey, we take what we can get, ya know? On that note, fellow bloggers and even just passive readers, be gentle with me. I am but a tender new leaf on the blogging tree. Humor me and leave some funny comments from time to time. I'm just a Mom looking for an outlet and a voice.